Consumption Archives - Page 27 of 529 - Modern Farmer
China Joins the Fray, Reacts to US Tariffs With Huge Tariffs of...

Wine, fruit, nuts, and ginseng. And it could get worse.

Dan Nosowitz
March 26, 2018
“Farmers for Free Trade” Runs Ad During “Fox and Friends” To Get...

The commercial features a farmer from Montana and will run in D.C. and Florida, where... (more)

Dan Nosowitz
March 16, 2018
E.U. Weighs Agricultural Tariffs As Retaliation for Trump’s Steel Tariffs

Producers of orange juice, peanut butter, corn, bourbon, and more will be hurt if Trump's... (more)

Dan Nosowitz
March 7, 2018
What Is the “Protect Interstate Commerce Act” and Why Does It Matter?

Congressman Steve King (R-IA) has proposed the measure as part of the 2018 Farm Bill,... (more)

Dan Nosowitz
February 27, 2018
Trump Wants to Replace Some SNAP Benefits with a “Blue Apron-Type” Food...

Under the Trump administration's new budget proposal, SNAP recipients would receive about half of their... (more)

Dan Nosowitz
February 13, 2018
Trump’s Farm Fibs, Pollan’s Twinkies, and More: Your Winter Food Policy Round-Up

An overview of what's happened in food and agriculture over the past couple months.

Brian Barth
January 10, 2018
Trump Administration Cuts Law Designed to Ensure Organic Animal Welfare

The Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices rule promoting better animal welfare has officinally been nixed.

Dan Nosowitz
December 20, 2017