Comments on: Animal Advocates Push for an End to Canadian Horse Meat Market Farm. Food. Life. Mon, 13 May 2024 15:03:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Loni Mon, 03 Jul 2023 16:46:15 +0000 In reply to Rebecca.

John Holland debunked the claims that no slaughter caused abandonment and starvation. The supposed reports about abandonment were written while slaughter was still happening in the US. Abandonment etc. is simply cruelty.

By: Shirley Sears-MacKay Sun, 11 Jun 2023 18:33:15 +0000 First and foremost stop breeding the large horses like Percherons and Clydesdales for transport to be slaughtered for consumption.
Horses are animals who along side with humans can better our world. They are recreational animals, they work on farms, they work with both children and adults with autism. They are NOT disposable. The inhumane treatment that happens when throwing them into cargo planes ( Atlas Airlines), in small crates , 3 horses per crate with no regard for their anxiety and terror is horrific.
It all comes down to greed and an easy buck.

By: Rebecca Tue, 23 May 2023 17:23:54 +0000 Really? Was Nothing learned from the slaughter ban that happened in the US years ago? Horses abandoned on public land, starving to death (much crueler than being slaughtered) or shipped to Mexico or Canada, instead of a shorter trip to a slaughter house.Horse slaughter is NOT banned in the US, but hasn’t recovered from the earlier ban which resulted in so much suffering for the horses that proponents aimed to alleviate. Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits,…yet horses get folks up in arms. A bit more research and understanding of the downstream consequences is in order.

By: Patrizia Cappelli Mon, 22 May 2023 22:30:56 +0000 What one wants just for money does not mean its right. When I read the age the horses are sent to slaughter I almost threw up. Tell the horse slaughterer that she can grow so many things instead of foals for slaughter. There are choices.

By: Susan hetherington DVM Sun, 21 May 2023 19:42:42 +0000 The issue is transporting live animals that are very high strung, intelligent and prone to injury, severe pain from colic , etc… 24 hours is a long time to live in terror. While I don’t agree with raising horses for meat , the main problem and wrong doing is shipping them live. In this day and age fresh meat can arrive in Japan within 24 hours I’m sure… Do the Japanese insist on live salmon arriving at their doorstep for sushi? If the horse farmers truly care about the horses, they should stop refering to them while alive as ” product” and they should figure out slaughtering them here with the shortest and least traumatic trip to the slaughterhouse, not a 20 hour ? Plane flight in a crate , as well as the terrorizing journey to the airport which I’m sure is not around the corner from the farm . As to people’s livelihoods, since when is doing the wrong thing ok for a livlihoods? Since when was selling live horses to Japan an indigenous tradition???

By: TKF Sun, 21 May 2023 18:26:07 +0000 Why doesn’t Japan raise their own horse meat if the like it so much. If I had a business I had to hide, I would question my business. People fear change in their life but they might be surprised at life after a change.

By: Donna Sun, 21 May 2023 16:56:39 +0000 Horse slaughter cannot be banned soon enough.
Please don’t insult the intelligence of your readers by attempting to legitimize as “farming” a practice that perpetuates the heinous practice of jamming horses into crates for days without food or water. Anyone who would perpetuate such suffering with no remorse cannot be trusted to oversee any step of the process with compassion. No thinking person would want to consume the product of such abhorrent suffering.
If a “culture” is based upon reprehensible conduct, then the culture needs to evolve and leave the barbarism in the past where it belongs.
Those who participate in moral atrocities for profit will find absolutely no sympathy here. Humans have the intellect and ability to adapt, so there is no need for the holdouts of a brutal dying industry to cling to the bad practices that are best purged from society.

By: B. A. Jones Sun, 21 May 2023 14:44:51 +0000 Has anyone thought of slaughtering the horse for consumption in its County of origin, then just ship the meat?

By: Jazzy Cabella Sun, 14 May 2023 20:59:29 +0000 Shameful puff piece! It is inhumane and unethical to keep horses standing, in their own waste, in small crates for 30 hours without food or water. The notion that this is somehow a cultural tradition is utter hogwash. Horses have long held a unique and revered position in native culture. Needless to say cramming them in crates in order to maximize profits is antithetical to that tradition.

By: Jo-Claire Corcoran Sun, 14 May 2023 13:42:26 +0000 As a citizen of the US and life long horse owner as well as one who has been very active in banning horse slaughter the misinformation and falsehoods in this article are irresponsible.

First horse slaughter is not banned in the US, only the inspection of horses and horse meat is defunded. Horses, unfortunately are still going to Canada and Mexico for slaughter.

It is an absolute false dichotomy that the number of abandoned horses has increased in the US. There is absolutely no studies nor documentation supporting that lie. There are studies which prove the opposite. An increase in Neglect is a direct correlation to drought and hay prices. Neglect, abuse & abandonment is illegal in all 50 states.

Since the defunding of inspection, the number of horses exported for slaughter has decreased every year to around 20,000 last year from an all time high of 450,000. The plants only buy what they have a market for, there is no market for adulterated meat. There is no substance tracking system in the US for horses.

As to culture and or heritage… slavery was a part of the culture in the south, a part of the economic system. It was still wrong and therefore was stopped.

Horse slaughter industry is rift with deceit, lies, and crime and needs to be stopped. The kill buyers even used to call themselves the horse mafia. It’s past time to stop.
