Comments on: Do We Need to Farm Oil Crops? Farm. Food. Life. Tue, 14 May 2024 12:55:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lena Beck Wed, 06 Dec 2023 22:41:39 +0000 In reply to Barbara A Chisholm.

Hi Barbara! Thanks for the question. In Dr. Davis’ study, he estimates that traditionally farmed oil crops are responsible for 1-3 grams of carbon dioxide for every thousand calories produced. The emissions related to chemically synthesized dietary fats would vary depending on where the carbon is coming from — for example, Dr. Davis estimates that using natural gas feedstock and standard electricity, the emissions would be less than 1 gram of carbon dioxide for every thousand calories. But, if carbon captured from the air was used, along with non-emitting sources of electricity, the overall emissions from the dietary fats could be close to zero. Dr. Davis told me that he’d like to participate in a more comprehensive analysis of the potential impacts of this path beyond only emissions — so a thorough answer to your question may be available at some point down the line. Thanks again for asking!

By: Barbara A Chisholm Wed, 06 Dec 2023 21:46:09 +0000 What is the carbon footprint of synthesized oils? The building, the electricity, and the energy used in the whole process. Also, it would not be a naturally occurring substance, something engineered.

By: Gringo Chris Sun, 03 Dec 2023 16:59:25 +0000 Slow down there Dr. Davis. “Fats could be synthesized at scale, says Davis. Using a source of carbon dioxide and hydrogen,”. Plenty of CO2 and H2O around, but converting them into oil requires a LOT of other inputs, first, to obtain the raw C and H [are you thinking petroleum here?] and second to synthesize them into a fat. For a cool refresher into that intro of college Organic Chem that you enjoyed so much [at least I did], check out the organic structure of olive oil, and then take some deep breaths while thinking cool blue thoughts and look at some of it’s minor components. Add all that environmental challenge to synthesizing an inadequate and probably toxic result, and I think that you will find it does not pencil out. And if wrong, let’s set your product up against any good EVOO [google it] and give it the Turing Test, with obvious mods.

By: Kate Walker Sun, 03 Dec 2023 15:44:11 +0000 In reply to Cayce.

Palm oil plantations are ALREADY mega corporations: mammoth mono crops tended by very few people over massive areas, utilizing huge amounts of herbicides and pesticides.

By: Konstantin Sat, 02 Dec 2023 01:07:22 +0000 The only reason for panic is farmers’ risk to loose income and live in the cities. Would be better if they read “Selfish gene” and become more like ants as citizens did.

By: betterwound Thu, 30 Nov 2023 04:18:21 +0000 Not all palm oil comes from forest fires in the Amazon or Sumatra. Again, supply chain openness is critical. 

By: Jennifer Kaplan Thu, 30 Nov 2023 01:04:24 +0000 In reply to Cayce.

All palm oil poses a risk of deforestation. It is simply not true that Thai palm oil production does not now or might not in the future lead to deforestation.

By: Cayce Wed, 29 Nov 2023 14:12:57 +0000 Not all palm oil is from Amazon or Sumatran forest burns. Supply chain transparency is again important. Thai palm for example does not appear to be a deforestation risk.

Also, which would you choose, sustainable farming or megacorporation lab dependency? Further, mega corporations are a larger component of carbon emissions than small family farms and co-ops. Would you rather drive more pollution potential toward a stronger lobbying group already fighting against climate change policy? I would not.
