Food & Drink Archives - Page 5 of 90 - Modern Farmer

Food & Drink

Navigating the Buzzwords Behind an ‘Ethical’ Bag of Coffee

You’re shopping for a bag of coffee beans at the grocery store. After reading about... (more)

Spencer M. Ross, The Conversation
September 30, 2023
New Treatments for Citrus Greening Have Passed Initial Testing

Citrus greening, a disease with no cure, has torn through citrus groves in Florida, Louisiana,... (more)

Emily Baron Cadloff
September 14, 2023
Farm-to-Table Doesn’t Always Mean Farm-to-Glass

When Charlie Marshall opened his New York City restaurant, The Marshal, in 2013, he was... (more)

Kathleen Willcox
September 13, 2023
The Goldilocks Zone Needed to Keep Strawberry Fields Forever

According to the University of Florida, the perfect temperatures for growing strawberries—the Goldilocks zone—is between... (more)

Jennifer Cole
September 4, 2023
It’s Alive! The Debate Over Lab-Grown Chicken

Josh Tetrick swears he’d have another job if only all poultry producers farmed thoughtfully and... (more)

Jason Langendorf
August 21, 2023
Meet the Viticulturist Testing Thousands of Seeds to Find the Strongest One

Mireia Pujol-Busquets spent her childhood surrounded by grapes. Her father, Josep Maria, founded the family’s... (more)

Emily Cappiello
August 18, 2023
Microbes, Mealworms and Seaweed Could Inform the Future of Cheese

What makes a good mozzarella? It has to be flavorful. It should become gooey and... (more)

Lena Beck
August 16, 2023
Offaly Delicious: Can the US Learn to Love Organ Meats Again?

If you want to eat more sustainably, the answer seems obvious, according to researchers at... (more)

Samantha Maxwell
August 1, 2023
Tinned Fish is Trending. But Can You Trust the Label?

Tinned fish is hot.  The colorful packages are trending on Tik Tok and Instagram, (#tinfish... (more)

Natalie Jesionka
July 25, 2023